Have Happy Dogs Over Bonfire Night

Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November…

Guy Fawkes Night, also known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks Night, is an occasion celebrated by Brits on the 5th of November to commemorate the thwarting of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. This is done by lighting up the night with fireworks displays, kindling bonfires, burning scarecrow effigies resembling Guy Fawkes, and savouring toffee apples.

However, amid the awe and excitement of these festivities, our canine companions are often overlooked. While we humans revel in the spectacle, our four-legged friends are left trembling with fear, distressed by the loud explosions and unfamiliar sights and scents. As responsible pet owners, it is our responsibility to ensure their safety and comfort during this eventful night.

So, here's how to ensure your furry family members have a happy Guy Fawkes Night:

  1. Start the day with a long walk: A well-exercised dog is more likely to sleep through the festivities. Be sure to keep them securely leashed, as unexpected fireworks can be startling, and a startled dog may attempt to run away. Ensure your dog is properly identifiable with a microchip and a collar containing an up-to-date ID tag. Secure your garden as well in case your pup is outdoors and becomes startled, attempting to escape.

  2. Create a safe and cosy space within your home: Designate an area where your dog can retreat when the fireworks start. Playing soothing music or leaving the television on can help drown out the sounds of explosions outside. Do not leave your dog alone when the fireworks are in full swing. Your presence is reassuring and comforting.

  3. Use positive reinforcement: Reward your dog with treats, playtime, or extra attention to help them associate the loud noises with fun. Keep your furry friend distracted with toys and playtime. Treat puzzles, snuffle mats, and chew toys are excellent diversions from the unsettling sounds outdoors.

  4. Consult your vet: If your dog's anxiety is particularly severe, do not hesitate to seek advice from your veterinarian. They can provide guidance on reducing anxiety during fireworks. Natural remedies like Australian bushflower spray can be considered after thorough research.

Guy Fawkes Night is an evening meant to be enjoyed by both humans and canines. A little extra caution and care go a long way in ensuring a stress-free and joyous night.

Stay safe, have fun, and share your dog photos with us!