Revive Says Drink More Water!

Sip, Sip Hooray!


Water, often underestimated, plays a pivotal role within our bodies that goes beyond mere thirst-quenching. Did you realise that maintaining proper hydration sharpens your cognitive functions, ensuring your mental acuity is always at its best? If you ever feel sluggish and fatigued, dehydration might be the culprit. Recharge your energy with a revitalising glass of H2O.

That’s precisely why our water dispensers are essential fixtures in communal spaces and have gained popularity in offices. Alternatively, our vending machines offer chilled bottles of exceptionally pure and crisp Harrogate water or Still One water, which not only supports sustainable water practices but also provides sanitation services for some of the world’s most underprivileged communities.

Here's how to boost your water intake:

1.     Stay stylish while staying hydrated by carrying a fashionable reusable water bottle.

2.     Set reminders on your phone or work laptop to prompt water breaks throughout the day.

3.     Add some zest to your hydration routine by infusing your water with slices of lemon, cucumber or strawberries. Make it a tasty experience!

4.     Eat your way to hydration by incorporating water-rich fruits and vegetables into your diet, such as melons, cucumbers, broccoli and oranges.

5.      Listen to your body! Keep in mind that your daily water requirements can vary based on factors like activity levels, climate, age and health. However, a general guideline is to aim for approximately 8 cups of water a day (8 cups are roughly equivalent to 2 litres).

So, raise a glass… of water – it’s a toast to staying hydrated and happy!